Monday, September 11, 2006

ITSEE Symposium

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The official Launch of ITSEE will take place on Thursday 28th September 2006, and will be accompanied by a two-day colloquium.

Symposium: A Celebration of Textual Scholarship

To mark the launch of the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing, University of Birmingham

Thursday 28 September

1.00-2.30pm: Ancient Texts
Holger Strutwolf (University of Münster): "The Methodological Status of the Original Text Hypothesis in New Testament Textual Research"
Wendy Phillips (University of Cambridge): "Textual Eugenics: in Search for the Perfect Mahabharata"
Michael Reeve (University of Cambridge): "Disembodying texts: inflammatory thoughts fuelled by the editing of Pliny's Natural History"

2.30-3.00pm: Coffee break

3.00-4.30pm: Medieval texts
Joao Dionisio (University of Lisbon): "The Example of the Bees"
Eric Stanley (University of Oxford): " Editing Old and Middle English Texts for a Purpose"
Hikmat Kachouh (University of Birmingham): "Arabic Manuscripts of the Gospels"

5.00pm: Formal launch of ITSEE at the Barber Institute
Presentation by the ITSEE directors (David Parker, Peter Robinson, Barbara Bordalejo)
Lecture by Geert Lernout (University of Antwerp): "The Spirit and the Letter"
Address by Professor Michael Clarke
Followed by a reception and a private visit to the galleries.

7.30pm: Dinner

Friday 29 September

9.30-11.00am: Modern texts
Dirk van Hulle (University of Antwerp): "Editing Hesitancy: Draft Stages, Layers, Phases, Versions"
Marta Werner (De Youville College): "'A Woe of Ecstasy': On the Electronic Editing of Emily Dickinson's Limit Texts"
Jim Mays (University College Dublin): "The Shadow on the Page"

11.00-11.30am: Coffee break

11.30-1.00: Panel and Discussion: The theory and practice of editing
Keith Elliott (University of Leeds): "The Need for a Comprehensive Apparatus"
Peter Shillingsburg (De Montfort University): "What We Want Now: The Convenient Edition"

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